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Effective Solutions, Tailor-Made for You

Imagine having smooth, hair free skin without shaving, waxing, plucking, or bleaching your unwanted hair. We offer safe, fast, effective laser treatments for both men and women. Using only state-of-the-art technology, we guarantee this treatment will exceed your expectations. If you’re interested in this service contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced team members.


The Elite+™ Aesthetic High Laser Energy is a dual wavelength platform combining long pulsed 755 nm Alexandrite and 1064 nm Nd:YAG. With Elite+, we have the flexibility to customize treatments to encompass all skin types. With excellent air-cooling throughout treatments for painless treatment. Not Suitable for sensitive skin.

men laser hair removal


The GentleLase System, a revolutionary long-pulse high energy alexandrite laser emits a gentle beam of light that harmlessly passes through the skin where it is absorbed by the target. The laser energy is transformed into heat, leaving the surrounding skin unaffected.
The skin is further protected during treatment by a Dynamic Cooling Deviceâ„¢ where cryogen is sprayed onto the skin cooling the upper layers and providing patients with increased comfort. Suitable for sensitive skin.

laser hair removal


Lutronic CLARITY specially for sensitive skin with advanced features to enable treatment versatility and greater speed. Clairty permanently reduce unwanted hair with unprecedented speed and efficiency and excellent air cooling technology.

laser hair removal
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